Opulent Mobility is an international annual exhibit that asks artists to re-imagine disability as opulent and powerful. It imagines a world where disability is celebrated instead of denied, ignored, and feared. These exhibits are curated by founder A. Laura Brody and disability arts activist and photographer Anthony Tusler and include art and artworks from across the country and around the globe.
Hosted at the Los Angeles Makery, 260 S. Los Angeles St. LA, CA 90012 December 5-29th, 2024 and online at www.opulentmobility.com. Open Saturday-Sunday 12-5 PM, weekdays by appointment; call (213) 392-2611.
The artists will be Amabelle Aguiluz, Megan Bent, April Bermudez, Rora Blue, Rebecca Bond, Becca Cerra, Kat Chudy, Yaron Dotan, Susan Else, Patricia Fortlage, Dellis Frank, Kellie Gillespie, Bronte Grimm, Ash Hagerstrand, Bailey Hammond, Bev Hickson-Snook, Nicola Hopkins, Sandy Huse, David Isakson, Suzann Kundi Taylor, Heidi Latsky, Ellen Mansfield, Monica Marks, Joy Murray, Kristen Olinger, Julie O'Sullivan, Lia Pas, Awilda Pasco-Stardust, Tom and Linda Peters, Annelies Slabbynck, Emily Tironi, Lisa Tomczeszyn, Rachel Ungerer, and Kemi Yemi-Ese.