“This is Not Humanity” by Cathy Immordino
"This is Not Humanity", by Cathy Immordino, is a mixed media photograph combining cyanotype and ash.
17 wide x 19 3/8 high x 1.5 depth framed with museum glass, cleat hanging style all with archival materials
"This is Not Humanity", by Cathy Immordino, is a mixed media photograph combining cyanotype and ash.
17 wide x 19 3/8 high x 1.5 depth framed with museum glass, cleat hanging style all with archival materials
"This is Not Humanity", by Cathy Immordino, is a mixed media photograph combining cyanotype and ash.
17 wide x 19 3/8 high x 1.5 depth framed with museum glass, cleat hanging style all with archival materials